FKrakow Day #1 (Auschwitz, Berkinau, and the march)
Sleep didn't come easily to many of us last night, as well all attempted to try and prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for what lay in store today.
I left both of these places today humbled and changed. At the moment I am still attempting to grasp at all or theses ideas and crimes. Once I do I will share more than this brief note with you. We were asked today to take 10 mins at our core learning meeting and this was my result.
I walked, we marched.
To places that are laid with
the ashes of those who were
victims to this. Speechless.
Words are difficult to find as stones
beneath our feet shift in the Earth, the same
Earth where they nice stood too. Same place
different time, different time, different reason. Space .
All affected in a different way, yet similarities
emerge in thoughts and feelings. At the same
time silence and tears were all that came. Thoughts.
In a so large at times felt so small. An ear to
hear breaks, a hand to touch a worn beam,
a sound of making walking in the wind. Surreal.
A circle representing friendship, support, love,
and hope emerged in this place. Stories we are
told, music present, homage aid, a promise mad. A stone laid.
The truth still runs, breaks still squeal, cargo is
stills unloaded, but not for the same reason and
never again it will. Hope.
"One word, one stone." - Anon
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