Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have been busy writing my exams at university this past two weeks, and as of right now am sitting the library preparing myself to study for my last one which is this evening.  Once exams are done I will dive into a whirlwind of activities to get ready for my trip which is in just over three weeks!  In the mean time I wanted to leave a quick update on a few items you can expect to hear from me on in the coming days.

1) Tomorrow morning I will be going to Toronto to meet with Hedy Bohm, the local survivor I will be representing.

2) I have a stack of books at home which are going to recieve some much needed attention once my exams are done this evening.  It's my hope that I can get through most of them before I leave and possibly take one or two with me as ebooks to read along the way.  Listed below are the books on my reading list:
- Holocaust A History (Deborah Dwork & Robert Jan van Pelt)
- A History of the Holocaust (Yehuda Bauer Nili Keren)
- The Boy in The Stripped Pajamas (John Boyne)
- The Unworthy Life (James M. Glass)
- Hitler's willing Executioners (Daniel Jonah Goldhagen)
- Forgotten Crimes: The Holocaust & People With Disabilities (Suzanne E. Evans)

If any of you are aware of a good book that discusses the issues pertaining to the homosexual population during the Holocaust I'd very much appreciate the name of the book as I have yet to find an suitable text to cover this topic.

In addition I will be finishing up reading the book we are asked to read by MRH: War & Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust (Doris L. Bergen).  This book has been very through thus far and I find it very helpful to make the connections between the different events that occurred throughout history to lead to Hitler's campaign to 'cleanse' the German population.  To see the full list of books/movies that I have already read over the years on the history/issues of the Holocaust please refer to my blog, "Stories Retold".

3) Last but not least, I will hopefully be transitioning away from this interface for my blog over the weekend to a website based interface to include my blog, pictures, and videos when I am away overseas in order to keep everyone up-to-date on all of our journeys.

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